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IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2016.3.5 Final Crack - [SH]: How to Activate the Full Version

When taking into consideration the cost of a traditional post processor and the prove out time associated, purchasing a proven and robust post like CAMplete TruePath is an affordable alternative that gets you started the right way.

Featurecam Post Processor Downloadl

The best source for obtaining a post processor is your reseller (hi there!). Many free or low-cost post processors are available for a variety of machines. More advanced or customized post processors may have a cost associated with generating or customizing them to fit your needs. Request a copy of the Post Processor Request Form from your local representative to gather the necessary machine information to find out more.

The FeatureCAM 2016 R3 user interface improvements also enable an improved workflow. The improvements include a new apply button within the transform dialogue for faster transformations, quicker navigation to feature coolants from the results tab, a new feature tab for post-processor variables to improve navigation, and a change to the simulation algorithm that results in better simulation speeds.

3 How to Open a Post Processor for editing Your current post processor is located at the bottom right of your FeatureCAM screen To open the post double click your left mouse button on the post processor name. Click on the Edit Button to start editing the current post processor. Xbuild will now open the post processor reading for editing. Click on Formats Menu and then Program Start to show the code for generating the start of the NC program. Page 2

9 All the following variables will be declared in the PROGRAM START Section. This is an example of a user defined variable [:prev_oper_type=" "] It must be placed with [ ] brackets and needs a : in front of the name so that the variable value won t be sent to the NC code. In this example we are setting the initial value of the variable to be blank. Any user defined variable needs to be declared in the Program Start section of the post, normally by using a statement. Sometimes you will need to save a condition as you will need to test for it in another section of the post processor as an example you can save the current type of process either Turning or Milling by including the following code. [# ] [# ][:prev_oper_type="mill"] [# ] We can then test the user defined variable later to decide what code we need to send to the NC program [# ][eq(prev_oper_type,"MILL")] Here is an example which is using several user defined variables to do a number of calculations and formatting them for the NC program. [# ][:p1_sav=] [# ][:fix=( + 0)] [# ][:no_of_datums=(p1_sav + 0)] [# ][:datum=ceil(fix / no_of_datums)] [# ] [# ][:datum_face_no=(540 + datum)] [# ]IF#[T 3.0 1:datum_face_no] NE 1 GOTO [T 4.0 1:n_num=n_num + 10] [# ] G90 G80 G40 G54.1P X Y B0 S [# ]G43 Z100. H Page 8


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